Victorian Rainforest Network (VRN) presents this website as new way to learn about rainforest and native forest logging issues (on public land) in Victoria by providing overlays to be used with Google Earth, so anyone can have a 3D virtual reality forest tour.
With the help of overlays created by VRN for Google Earth, it is possible to view remote landscapes in virtual reality and:
The Google Earth program can be downloaded for free.
Download hi res pdf image of this view.
This is a oblique view of clearfell logging in the Thomson dam catchment. (Critical part of the Melbourne domestic water supply ).The Blue line is the Thomson dam catchment boundary. The Red line shows the boundary of the Baw Baw National Park. The Pink shows the areas that were clearfell logged in the Central Highlands (between the late 1980's and June 2004). Bright green represents cool temperate rainforest EVC (Ecological Vegetation Class).
Now you can see in 3D how clearfell logging for woodchips is destroying the magnificent remote forests of eastern Victoria within the comfort of your own home!
If it is your first time using overlays with Google Earth, please first read the instructions/help page to ensure best use of Google Earth and the VRN information.
The Harris Daishowa export woodchip mill at Eden NSW. Download place mark and use the measure tool within Google Earth to check the size of the woodchip pile for yourself.
Use Google Earth to go on an export woodchip tour from the forests of East Gippsland to the huge industrial pulp mills in Japan (owned by Nippon Paper) via the export mill in Geelong called Midway Pty Ltd.