Rainforest Sites of Significance (RSOS)
Logging in National RSOS breaches 1996 Code of Forest Practices
The 1996 Code of Forest Practices requires sub-catchment protection for National RSOS. Section 2.3.7, states:
"(iii) For stands containing nationally significant rainforest - the highest degree of protection, generally sub-catchment level, except where full protection can be provided by other measures, which are/will be outlined in approved plans."
Nationally significant rainforest can only be rainforest that has been identified by the governments own RSOS process. A National RSOS contains a core nationally significant rainforest within a sub-catchment boundary. Hence the 1996 Code is saying logging should not occur within a National RSOS.
However the Department of Sustainability & Environment(DSE) ignore these 1996 Code prescriptions. DSE have argued the 1996 Code is not specific about the RSOS process and there are no formal prescriptions to protect RSOS from logging.
As a result Illegal logging has occurred within rainforest National Sites of Significance(RSOS) which contain nationally significant rainforest. See more.
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RSOS Technical Reports not completed by Department
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