Mt Drummer (Site 107)
National Rainforest Site of Significance

General Description

Mt Drummer RSOS contains warm temperate rainforest associated with many rare and endangered flora. Much of the site burnt in the 1983 fires.

About 80% of the site is within the Mt Drummer National Park.

Proposed Code Review subcatchment buffer area

This DSE draft internal working map was provided to VRN to show the approximate sub-catchment buffer area that is cross hatched.

The purple areas are suppose to be a 115ha but DSE has shown a much smaller areas. It appears there is a lot of rainforest in the Mt Drummer RSOS that is within the RSOS but not regarded as important enough to included in the purple area. VRN is following this up.

Note: only core areas N1 (as determined by DSE ) are shown on this map and do not necessarily represent the total area covered by the Mt Drummer RSOS.

The purple area Is suppose to be a 115ha but DSE has shown a much smaller areas. It appears there is a lot of rainforest in the Mt Drummer RSOS that is within the RSOS but not regarded as important enough to included in the purple area. VRN is following this up.