Victorian Governments position on logging Baw Baw Frog Habitat
The Baw Baw frog story continues ........
...currently the Victorian Government has no plan to incorporate the Baw Baw frog habitat area into permanent legislated reserves.
The Victorian government has also also failed to map mixed rainforest habitat areas for the Baw Baw frog as required by the Central Highlands Forest Management Plan.
in recent years there has been several attempts to clearfell log my home. These are:
1. In 2004 logging began in two of these coupes but fortunately due to some lobbying by some scientist and conservationist, logging was suspended after a few days.
2. Another attempt to log these areas was made under the disguise of experimental/scientific logging. Fortunately the experimental/scientific logging idea was also halted by the Victorian government in August 2006.
..... so while these forest areas remain State forest, VicForests, PaperlinX and the native forest logging industry will continue to lobby the Victorian Government to clearfell log my forest home.
What is the Victorian Government going to do?