East Gippsland

Six rainforest sites of national significance are scheduled for logging over the next three years. Logging is scheduled within the following sites; Cobb Hill, Goonmirk Rocks, East Errinundra River, Martins Creek, Bemm River, and Mount Drummer.

Map of East Gippsland Rainforest Sites Of Significance

Over the next three years, 85 logging coupes are scheduled for logging, with 19 coupes planned inside 8 National Rainforest Sites of Significance. Two of these Nationally significant sites (Mount Drummer and Bemm River) are to be logged this summer.

The existing Forest Management Plan Management Prescriptions for Rainforest do not adequately protect rainforest sites of significance. Only around 50% of National Rainforest Sites of Significance in East Gippsland have full sub-catchment protection as required by the code of forest practice. State and Regional Sites of Significance are even less secure, with far fewer of these sites offered complete sub-catchment protection (see graph below).

Errinundra Plateau RSOS Map

Cobb Hill- Rainforest Site Of National Significance

Three logging coupes may be scheduled within this RSOS. This site contains mature stands of Cool Temperate Rainforest, and Old Growth Wet Forest which have suffered heavy logging since the late 1960's. All three coupes border the spectacular Errinundra National Park.

Goonmirk Rocks- Rainforest Site Of National Significance

One logging coupe is scheduled in a pristine Old Growth Wet Forest dominated by giant Errinundra Shining Gums. The forest understorey here is comprised of mature stands of mountain plum pine, a key indicator species for the very rare East Gippsland Mountane Scrub Cool Temperate Rainforest community.

The extremely rare Mountain Plum Pine (pictured above left) occurs within the proposed logging coupe. Sassafras branches contort beautifully (pictured above right) just 10 meters from a logging coupe. This tree and others nearby are now threatened by logging 'edge effects' which alter the rainforest microclimate (humidity, temperature), increase wind damage to exposed vegetation, introduce pest plants and animals and increase silt run-off into streams.

This stand of rare Errinundra Shining Gum (Average height 46-51m-SFRI) is scheduled to be logged, with most of the trees being chipped for pulp and paper products. This coupe threatens several nationally significant stands of rainforest.

East Errinundra River- Rainforest Site Of National Significance

Two logging coupes are scheduled within this site. This area contains undisturbed Old Growth Wet Forest, Mixed Forest and the largest stand of Cool Temperate Rainforest in Victoria. The area around Dingo Creek contains stands of the exceptionally rare 'mixed forest' which have been heavily depleted since clearfelll logging commenced in 1967.

Dingo Creek falls

Aerial Photo of Dingo Creek before being logged in 2002

Mature Cool Temperate Rainforest on the eastern boundary of the Dingo Creek coupe following clearfell logging and high intensity burning. The fire damaged sassafras trees pictured above are estimated to be 400+ years old. The Code of Forest Practice (s2.3.7i, pg. 23) stipulates that a minimum 40 meter buffer of unlogged forest be left to protect rainforest from edge effects associated with logging disturbance (e.g.. wind damage, desiccation, pests, etc.). Furthermore, s.2.3.7iii of the Code of Forest Practice also prescribes that nationally significant rainforest stands such as this, must be fully protected by excluding logging from the entire subcatchment.

Martin's Creek- Rainforest Site Of National Significance

Two logging coupes are scheduled for logging within the next three years in the Martin's Creek Site of National Significance. This area contains undisturbed Warm Temperate Rainforest.

Kanooka Creek contains a large stand of nationally significant warm temperate rainforest, yet its subcatchment is being logged in breach of s.2.3.7iii (pg.24) of the Forest Code of Practice.

An ancient Kanooka Gum spreads its roots along the banks of Kanooka Creek.

Bemm River- Rainforest Site Of National Significance

Six logging coupes are planned in this site, with one scheduled this summer. The site is notable for its mature stands of Warm Temperate Rainforest.

An Old Growth giant near a mature stand of warm temperate rainforest, close to the majestic Bemm River.

Mount Drummer, Rainforest Site Of National Significance

To be updated